A pox on all your semantics!
I am working on the proposal, draft 0.97885, and have been stricken by the horrible conviction that a word I have been using rather extensively should not be used at all. It’s one of those perfectly good English words whose dictionary definition(s) mean more or less what I want it to, but the technical overlay I want is contraindicated by the technical overlay it has in other fields.
In other words:
However, I think it might be very much like grounding in that nobody thinks it means what they think it means, i.e.: it’s used in many different ways.
This is not something I should be worrying about right now. I should be worrying about getting to draft 1.0.
You’re almost there! Hang in there! The best thesis is a finished thesis (OK< that's not my line, it's The Scientist's, which I am here giving him credit for lest he think I stole his line . . . ).
Comment by Poor Princess — March 9, 2011 @ 8:11 pm
I have the OED on my side. I’ve exiled my angst to a footnote.
(Your blog is fun and terrifying, I may have gotten a little distracted from my writing there for a bit).
Comment by admin — March 9, 2011 @ 8:25 pm